Andre is neurologically impaired and in a world
of his own. He loves the walkers and would spend hours roaming
the hall if he could.. But there’s competition for the walkers
– mostly because of limited space.

Ionut is a happy kid – but the injury left of
his lip occurred when he fell out of the crib. The kids rock
so much that the cribs sometimes don’t hold them – and the kids
are truly too large to be in them, but they can’t run free!
He fared well and recovered quickly, thank goodness.

You can see how happy a child Ionut is. His
parents have various neurological and other problems – but he
seems to be developing and responds to the special therapy from
the Woodall Foundation that is offered several days a week.

Ionut and Constantin share a room. While we
were there they were moved to the Toddler room to sleep in open
beds. For three days Constantin stayed in the bed because after
all his time confined to a crib he didn’t realize there were
no more bars. Hopefully he’s adjusted and takes advantage of
the freedom!

Liliana is advancing and now wanders wildly
with the walker and walks with assistance. Hurrah! Great progress
from the shy and reclusive girl I met in December.

Marnie is Liliana’s special friend and has done
so much to bring her out of her shell. Maybe Liliana has brought
many of us out of our shells of a different kind!

Anna Maria is the saddest child at the clinic.
Her serious reflux requires much holding for 90 minutes after
she eats. Marnie was the trouper who did it daily! It made such
a difference.

Happiness is a good friendship – Marnie and
Liliana personify love at its best.

Sorin suffers from fetal alcohol syndrome. Marge,
our team member who is a physical therapist, taught others how
to help him minimize the arching of his back. Great results.