Daniel is quiet and passive and very unresponsive
– though a doll. He’s way behind his twin sister, Georgiana.

Georgiana is Daniel’s twin – and is definitely
the more assertive and active one. She’s lovely in her new sleeper
– and she is just starting to walk.

Joanna is 14 moths old and a docile, sweet child.
For once I’d like to see her demand from us – but she just waits
for folks to come to her. Assertiveness training a possibility?

David, our team member from Minnesota, took
charge of the toddler’s Ionut and Michaela. They were a handful
and a full time job. The mutual love is clear – an they took
long walks every chance they could. I called both of these kids
my “terrorists!."

Kay, David’s wife, loves Andrea. Kay handled
the non-mobiles with aplomb – and they loved her, Marge and

You can see how the kids just climb all over
Kay! She loves every minute.

Margaretta evokes all kinds of joy from each
child, including Maria here. She’s a constant for them and it
really makes a difference.

Marge and Kay mobility their cadets every day.
Games, exercise, walking practice, etc. consume the time.

Marge has her handful but truly captivates the
children. They are active and responsive to her energy and love.

The kids love the toys – and more importantly
the love that comes with showing them how to use them and reinforcing
their success.

The big blue dog is a hit. Maria rides to her
heart’s content. Here she’s getting read for a gallop.

Maria is going wild here with the excitement
of movement and energy. Gotta love it!


Maria’s in her crib and wishes she were back
on the Big Blue Dog.

Mihai was the “Michelin tire man” in December
and has slimmed down and is moving a lot. His twin, Joan (John)
has kidney development problems and is not faring so well. Some
say their parents will take them home… we’ll see. It’s a mixed
possibility given their situation.

Sabianca, newly categorized as a toddler, salutes
us as we come to play.

Ionut is calm and not moving for one second
so we can take a photo. He’s so fast it’s like he’s been shot
from a cannon!

Mihaela has a little yogurt around her lips
but is smiling about the great taste! She and Ionut are the
runners in the group. She spent a lot of time on David’s shoulder’s
riding through the hallways.