Along the Air Line... 2012 - United Distillers Renovations
The Air Line Trail in Eastern Connecticut - Stan Malcolm Photos
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Friday, August 24th. This morning I headed down the Colchester spur because I'd noticed some activity at the distillery site recently; e.g., brush cut back. I found a crew erecting chain link fence around the old factory building where ground had been leveled and packed, I think in prep for paving.

I was told that the building is to be re-roofed and turned into a Cadillac dealership. (Really?) Well, it certainly needs a new roof, among other things. Looks like the tree growing from the middle of the floor is gone, as well as some of the trash.

Saturday, August 25th. A tour of the site as it stands (more or less) now.

Things are much improved already with trash removed that included old furniture, and evidence of the site being used to dispose of fish and deer carcases.

Remarkable to think the building's shell can be preserved, and all good wishes to the new owner and contractors taking on the challenge!

I hope the old distillery chimney with Nat Semel's name on it will be preserved, though there are concerns about loose brick at the top. If it stays, I hope the new owners will tolerate the turkey vultures that have long used it as a convenient roost. (After all, they were here first.)