
R. is lots of fun but she gets pushed around by the older
toddlers. We often brought her into the Mobile room so she could
be the oldest and relax a little.

C. isn't getting her way at this moment… and it's clear
that Mary is letting her "cry it out".

is getting ready to get "the girls" out of their cribs. Often
Liliana R. (on the right) climbs over to join one of
the Andreas when she wants company. Andrea C., Andrea R. and
Liliana R. (left to right).

is making a fashion statement with a wash cloth. Clearly that
and her thumb make her more secure as she reflects on what she
had for lunch.

is enjoying juice from her sippy cup. She's in an executive
pose with her feet up! The kids love the juice brought in by
the volunteers. Not sure if this is Pear or Peach juice - but
whatever it is it has a calming effect!

Octavian's twin, waivers between being the bully of the toddlers
or the "baby" who wants to be held on your lap. He's clearly
a beautiful boy. What's hidden from view in this picture are
the battle wounds under his chin from the morning's "play".

is smart as a whip and understands English completely, although
he speaks only Romanian. You can ask him to do things in English
and he complies perfectly. He's the leader of the kids and is
almost four! Everyone loves him.

provides quality control for Bob as Bob installs safety wood
on the glass door in the hallway. He walks just fine but is
in the walker to keep him from the drill which fascinated him.

is the girl with the thousand expressions. Last January she
wasn't at all social… now she dominates many of the kids. What
a difference ten months makes.

and Ioanna enjoy a post-lunch juice cocktail. They are enthusiastic
about it all, unlike Denisa who was so laid back.

loves nothing more than putting fistfuls of sand in his mouth
when he's outside. It was futile to try and prevent it. He's
Dimitru's twin brother.

controls the TV and just loves turning it on and off. Bob took
all those exposed wires in the back and stapled them to the
wall with electrical staples… It took away the joy of pulling
the cables for the kids but made it easier for all who were
trying to control the toddler situation.

has all the kids waiting for Millica, the pre-school teacher.
She has great control over the kids, something all the volunteers
envy. Left to right: Denisa, Maia, Andrea C., Octavian, Florin.

has all of the kids at play under team leader Mihaela's direction.
A calm and unusual moment.

snack time. Mary supervises the kids eating eggs, drinking juice.
Florin is pointing to something of interest - something he does

time supervised by staff. Left to right are Ioanna, Florin,
Octavian, Maia, Denisa, Octavian and Andrea R.

is feeding Denisa and Dimitru boiled chicken livers - without
spice or anything. I guess you have to grow up with it… yet
the kids love it.

R. looks to see who will be the first volunteer to pick
her up. She clearly needs a better haircut, but despite the
uneven bangs is a real doll and loving to all.