Letter from Dr. William Warren Greene to his brother, George Tragically, Dr. Greene died and was buried at sea on his return journey from a medical conference in London, September 10th, 1881, making this his last communication to his brother. Following this transcription are scans of the actual letter. WORLEY'S HOTEL London My dear Geo. I write to let you know that I am well and am having a very successful trip. The congress was all that could be expected. All the best men of Europe were here and a fair representation from America. I hope I represented our own State creditably. I am very busy in hospital work now. Everybody is so kind to me. You will be glad to know that my name was familiar to all the surgeons of Europe & all have honored me in every way. Next week - Monday - I go to Edinburgh Scotland to visit Prof. Keith the famous surgeon to whom I had a very kind letter of introduction from his cousin Prof. (Stein?) of Brooklyn. I met him here and he insists upon my paying him a visit, saying in a telegram just received that he has "set apart three days specially for you next week." Of course it is impossible to give you any idea of what I have seen or am doing in a brief letter. That will be for some time when I can talk with you. I wish you and Dora could be here to see the old historic places. But after all, having seen all the great men of the day & having visited so many places of interest, after having been feasted & toasted, and had every kindness possible shown me, I shall be very glad to set foot again on my native soil. I hope you are all very well. I shall be home, Deo Voleute, about the 20th of September. I shall hope to find a letter from you. Much love to Dora and the babies. Your aff. Bro.