Alexander McPherson Malcolm Sr., his wife Jessie Dawn MacFarlane, and Family 1905 or 1906. Malcolm tartan steamer rug hanging behind them. Man and woman at left unidentified. Alex Malcolm, Jr. sitting on her lap. Jessie at rear on hammock holding Betty; Alex Sr. beside her. Minnie Morrison (friend) and daughter at right. Alex, Jessie, and Betty. Alex, Jr. Jessie on steps of Elmhurst house. Jessie with her children, Alex and Betty. Betty and Alex standing in front; Jessie right rear. Woman at left and child on stool unidentified. Alex, Sr. Alex Jr. on his hand-made tractor; Alex Sr. following with plow. The tractor was made from a cut-down Model T truck. Alex, Jr. made the rear wheel cleats by bolting angle-irons to the rims. Behind the Ford transmission was a Chevy transmission, yielding 7 speeds forward and 5 in reverse. Dad made this contraption based on plans in Popular Mechanics magazine. I recall playing on it as a child, though it was not running by then. |