Ancestors of Tabitha Holt - back to Nicholas Holt of Andover Follow these links to scans of the original documents, each page between 30 and 45k. Transcription: Below I've transcribed a genealogy of some descendants of Nicholas Holt of Newbury and later, Andover, Massachusetts. Nicholas came over on the ship James in 1635. The original is on one large sheet of pale blue paper faintly lined in a slightly darker blue. The paper is folded to form four pages read as you would a book. Pages 1-3 are in a very elaborate hand (except for the line which starts "There was a daughter..." which appears to be inserted in another hand). Page 4 is in a different hand altogether and I assume was added later. Comparing the contents to Daniel S. Durrie's "Genealogical History of the Holt Family in the United States: more particularly Descendants of Nicholas Holt" shows numerous differences. (I would recommend that you trust Durrie, not this document!) Background: I have no idea who authored this document or what sources were used in creating it. It has been in the family for at least 100 years, having been passed down by my great, granduncle, Jacob Lyman Greene of Hartford, who died in 1905. His secretary at the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, of which he was President, made a transcription of this document about 1895 along with other documents related to genealogical research that Jacob had commissioned. (For example, see the Kilbourne Genealogy by George Blodgette.) Genealogy of the Holts. Nicholas Holt born in England Children of Nicholas Holt Elizabeth Holt born in Newbury Mar 3rd 1636 Marriages of the children of Nicholas Henry Holt & Sarah Ballard Feb 23rd 1669 Children of Henry & Sarah B. Holt Elizabeth Holt born in Andover Dec. 29th 1670 Oliver Holt married Hannah Russell Oliver born in Andover Dec 16th 1698 Jacob Holt married Mary Osgood Dec. 29th 1737 Jacob Holt born in Andover Mar. 29th 1739 Jacob Holt married Rhoda Abbott Mar. 22nd 1764 Jacob Holt born in Andover Feb. 16th 1765 Tabitha married Thomas Greene Their Children (following slightly edited for clarity) Sarah Holt b. Waterford; d. July 26 1823 |