August 11th. Marlborough, Hartford County, Connecticut

Banded Tussock Moth (Halysidota tessellaris).

I think this is an Oldwife Underwing (Catocala paleogama).

I think this is an Oldwife Underwing (Catocala paleogama).

I think this is an Oldwife Underwing (Catocala paleogama).

Little-lined (or Steely) Underwing (Catocala lineella). Hind wings are mostly yellow-orange with a broad black border. In life, forewings appear somewhat darker than in my photos.

Little-lined (or Steely) Underwing (Catocala lineella).

Little-lined (or Steely) Underwing (Catocala lineella).

Unicorn Prominent (Schizura unicornis).

Wavy-lined Heterocampa (Heterocampa biundata).

Wavy-lined Heterocampa (Heterocampa biundata).

I think this is also a Wavy-lined Heterocampa (Heterocampa biundata).

An unidentified Prominent, left, and a White-Dotted Prominent (Nadata gibbosa).

White-Dotted Prominent (Nadata gibbosa).

I think this is a Yellow-based Tussock Moth (Dasychira basiflava).

Possibly a Bold-feathered Grass Moth (Herpetogramma pertextalis) or related species.

Possibly a Bold-feathered Grass Moth (Herpetogramma pertextalis) or related species.

Dark-spotted Palthis (Palthis angularis).

Dark-spotted Palthis (Palthis angularis).

Dark-spotted Palthis (Palthis angularis).

Mottled Snout (Hypena palparia).

Mottled Snout (Hypena palparia).

Baltimore Snout (Hypena baltimoralis), female.

Harlequin Webworm (Diathrausta harlequinalis).

Grape Leafroller (Desmia funeralis).

Possibly a male Oak Besma (Besma quercivoaria).

Possibly a male Oak Besma (Besma quercivoaria).

Large Maple Spanworm (Prochoerodes lineola).

Lower moth I think may be an Angle (Macaria sp.).

Possibly a Three-lined Leafroller (Pandemis limitata).

Maple Looper Moth (Parallelia bistriaris).

Maple Looper Moth (Parallelia bistriaris).

Ambiguous Moth (Lascoria ambigualis).

American Angle Shades (Euplexia benesimilis).

Flame-shouldered Dart (Ochropleura implecta).
A Caddis Fly (Order Trichoiptera).

A Ground Beetle (Family Carabidae) on the dead dogwood tree supporting the clothesline and mothing sheet.

Katydid (Family Tettigoniidae).

Katydid (Family Tettigoniidae). Note the oval "ears" on the front tibiae.
All images Copyright Stanley E. Malcolm, 2014.
Images can be used for non-commercial purposes upon notifying me (stanmalcolm "at"
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