Green(e) Homestead in North Waterford, Maine - These scans are from a very poor, small original. I have made much higher resolution scans, suitable for printing. Contact me if you want the files. Sadie Greene, Sam's daughter, has captioned this photo as follows: "The old house in White Mountains - North Waterford, Me. I visited it - school house in 1895. Mother took Howard there when he was a baby." (Note: There was a picture of a school house beside this one in the album. It's not clear if the caption refers to it as well, or what.) A closer view. Next summer, I hope to determine if this is the original Green homestead (i.e., that of Thomas Green, who settled in North Waterford in 1788), or that of Thomas's grandson, Jacob Holt Greene (Sam's father). I know the approximate locations of both homes. Perhaps from landmarks in the background I'll be able to fix location and, thus, identity. However, the entire area is regrown to woodlands, making the task difficult. Another approach is to ask permission to view a watercolor of the Thomas Green homestead which is framed above the mantle in the Warren home across the road from it. Finally, I'm told that some elements of the original Green homestead still exist as part of a home now owned by the Kimball family. Perhaps they can help with identification. |