Group photos - Photos from Margaret (North) Dunne From left to right, Irene Hanna, Lillian May Post, Kingsley Walton Greene, ... others unidentified as yet. Alexander Marion Fairlamb, Jr. is at left. Second from right in bottom row is Lillian May (Post) Fairlamb. Others unidentified as yet. From left to right; top row: Isabelle (Patterson) Post (Lillian's mother), Octavia (Greene) North, Alexander Marion Fairlamb, Sr. (his first wife was Sarah Greene), Dorothy ("Dolly") Fairlamb (daughter of Alex Sr. from second marriage), Margaret ("Peg") North, Octavia (Greene) Spolasco. Middle row: Stephen Spolasco, Walter Scott Post (Lillian's father), unknown woman - could she be Alex Fairlamb Sr's second wife? Bottom row: James Remington Fairlamb, Alexander Marion Fairlamb, Jr., Lillian May (Post) Fairlamb, Richard Fairlamb (son of Alex Sr. from second marriage). From left to right: Margaret ("Peg") North, Penelope North (Dick's wife), possibly Norma North?, Lillian May (Post) Fairlamb. Printed week of Nov 27, 1950 (on back). Clockwise from the left front: Octavia North, Peter Renner, Edward ("Bud") VanAllen (Barbara's husband), Lillian Fairlamb, Barbara VanAllen, Wilhelmina Spolasco, Isabelle Post, William McMurtrie North (carving turkey), Libby Dunne (in highchair), Margaret Dunne, Penelope North (Dick's wife), Harry ("Hap") Dunne, Norma North, Sandra Fairlamb, Penny North (Dick's daughter), Alex Fairlamb, Jr. Photo taken by Harry Dunne. Printed week of Nov 27, 1950. Barbara (Fairlamb) VanAllen at left front. Harry ("Hap") Dunne to her right. Sandra Fairlamb at right front, Penny North beside her. Help with others? From left to right: Stephan Spolasco, Wilhelmina (Greene) Spolasco, Margaret North, Stephen Spolasco, Octavia (Greene) North, and ? "4/24/21" on back. |