Bob & Andy loading the car. We had 26 pieces
total because we carried $91,000 of medicine donated by a pharmaceutical
distribution company. Truly a cargo of value! We even had one
change of clothes for the trip.

Sue and Glo with the luggage at Logan.

Tutova or bust! Here's our Team getting on the
van in Bucharest. We were heading for the clinic in Tutova,
Romania. From left to right: Front: Kathy Fritz from Minneapolis,
Bob Gery, Nancy Grannan, Gloria Gery from Tolland MA>. Rear:
Cindy Lawler from West Hartford, CT, Sue Voudren, Tolland, MA,
Barbara Marcus, Key West, FL and Phil Grannan, Tolland, MA.

A Happy Medical Director! Dr. Delia Asoltanei
runs the hospital which treats chronically ill patients including
a pediatric ward. The Tutova Hospital houses the Failure to
Thrive Clinic where we worked with the children. Here Dr. Delia
revels in hard to get and expensive medicine including pharmaceuticals
for Parkinson's, Hepatitis C, heart conditions and infections.
She said she has as much medicine as in all of her county! What
a gift to all.

Daily Fare: Our team ate in a small (and sometimes
chilly!) room at the hospital. Lunch always include soup "and".
We never went hungry! Always bottled water due to Giardia in
the local water supply. Mihaela Cirjontu, our wonderful Global
Volunteers' Team Leader, is at the lower left. She kept us all
on track and happy.

Special Occasion: Kathy Fritz celebrated her
birthday while we were in Bucharest as did Cindy. Bob and Gloria's
40th anniversary was celebrated there too. The Bistro Menuet
was a fabulous Bucharest restaurant where we all received flowers
and had a delicious dinner.

Lots of laughs.

Shopping at the Metro Store: Barbara Marcus
and Global Volunteers' Romanian Team Leader, Mihaela Cirjontu,
search for the best buy on items. We spent everyone's generous
donations at the Bucharest Metro on fruit, clinic supplies,
detergent, food for the kids and wine for us. Phil Grannan is
taking a picture of my taking a picture of the comparison shoppers.

Diaper Folding: Our team certainly included
the clinic staff. How would you like to fold this many cloth
diapers twice a day! 33 kids times at least five changes adds
up to a lot of laundry.

Phil and the babies: Phil Grannan worked with
the tiniest children. Feeding time was the most special as you
can see from eyes focused on the bottle!

Cindy and Ana Maria: Cindy Lawler is working
with Ana Maria on her walking. Due to serious reflux she spent
a lot of time in the walker and her muscles are under-developed
as a result. You can see she's making progress and is enjoying
her romp through the play room!

Tearful departure: All of us just loved working
with the clinic staff. Cindy Lawler got a big kiss from aide,
Victoria whose primary English was to grab my hands and say
"Victoria…. Gloria". It's amazing what can be communicated in
a few words.

Goodbyes are Hard: Left to Right: Team members
Kathy Fritz and Nancy Grannan and Barbara Marcus (in orange
vest) say goodbye to staff, including Dr. Delia in the middle.
We celebrated with soda and cookies.