Letters and Notes regarding Scribners - These letters are from several sources, as outlined below. All are now in the possession of Stanley E. Malcolm, great, great grandson of Sarah Marshall Scribner. Following letters are from William Marshall Scribner, or were transcribed from his letters by Abba Ella (Knight) Jones. I believe all were originally sent to Abba while she was living in South Paris, Maine. Abba's mother was Sarah Marshall Scribner, who married Henry Knight. Letter 1: On notepaper with a picture of a lake, below which is printed "Sabbathday Lake, Maine, 189_" though this line is crossed out. Written in pen over the picture, upside down is "Poland Springs, So. Poland Maine, Jany 8, 1897." Although not signed, the letter is clearly in William's hand. Note that "Abba Ella" is Abba Ella (Knight) Jones, whose mother was Sarah Marshall Scribner. Marion R. W. is Marion Walker, Abba's daughter. Jany 8. 1897. Did I tell you that I found the grave of my great grandmother Scribner, buried in 1819 on the Scribner Hill in the old Burnham and Scribner Burying Ground her husband (the grandfather) buried 1815 at Waterboro. No one for many years had known the location of the graves. The old Lady's stone is broken off - that of the Gent. Is quite buried in the ground. They were only old (rock) fashioned old style stone.
(Marginal notes) I send this part now to wake you up? Seven generations and how many grands is that to Marion? Write and then read it aloud? Sarah Bucknell Scribner, wife of Samuel was the grave found at the side of Nathaniel Burnham her son-in-law in the old yard near the famous Spring on Burnham's Farm in Harrison on Scribners Hill. P.S. After the Scribners sold and left Harrison in the fifties it was call Burnham's Hill. Now since Hotel days "The Summit" House. Abraham and Nathaniel Burnham married each a sister of Rowell's father John Scribner. The Burnhams were brothers - all buried on the Hill. Letter 2: On American Book Company, New England Office, stationary, with 55 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. address crossed out and 1 Ashburton Place pencilled in above. Dated February 9, 1899. Entire letter was originally written in pencil but mostly copied over in pen. Feby 9 - 1899 Dear Cousins How are you all, well, we hope. We are, over here, for a while. I get no word from Lucy at Milford have you heard of late. I have new matter for her and all who care for it or who desire to join the Sons or daughters of the Revolution. I will enclose the address to whom you can send $1 and get a Certificate that will answer for anyone who holds who are decendants of Samuel Scribner born on the old original farm in Waterborough Me. born Jan'y 8. 1735 and did service in the Revolutionary War in 1775 and was a member of the Legislature from Waterford for the 1780 and 1790 - and from Waterborough 1791. And the Sessions were the last held in the old original State House at the head of State Street in Boston Mass. Just think of the honor ("folk" in pen, over "hold" in pencil) hold and one to be proud of. It was he who made the fight to have the Province of Maine set off as a State. Do you see? He was a great man in other respects, a history of which I have in my head. Do you see? I do not get ahead much with Scribner List. So many so slow and so many of them. Think of it over 30 in Porter's family. In Wis there is a family - only as long in Wis as Porter and Lucy: originally from Waterville; of most as many as of Porter's; nice educated thrifty people and just as near to me and to Porter as Mrs. Knight. Do you see? As far back as you have the list of Coffins Pikes etc. ancestors of Mrs. Knight. Please send to me - and from it Seth and Uncle John with what I add to yours, will add more if I desire it but they want ours to know what we desire. I am the only person on earth who knows where Rowell is buried (the spot and head stone (an old fashioned rock) lies buried. I found it on the basis that I found the grave of the "old Warrior and Legislator" and otherwise great man in the last half of 1700 and first half of 1800. Sam'l Scribner also that of Sarah Bucknell his wife buried by the side of Nathan'l Burnham and his two wives, one a Scribner, and the other as sister to Mrs. (can't make out) and my own grandmother - in the old "Scribner Burnham" burying ground on Scribner Hill in Harrison. Mrs. S. joins in kind regards (Marginal note) I was glad to find old Sam's grave - also his wife Abigail - also Rowell's. I will sometime send a draft of the situation of the yard and Rowell's grave also Sam'l his grandfather. I have told you where the grandma is. Letter 3: On plain ruled paper. Copy of letter received from Wm Marshall Scribner. Returned original to him March 7, 1899. Samuel Scribner buried in Waterboro, Maine. Sarah Bucknell his wife buried in Harrison Me in the Scribner Burnham burying ground on "Scribner Hill" by the east side of Nathaniel Burnham. No head stone only a piece of common split rock the piece with the figures on it has been split off and is laid on the stone wall to the west of the graves. John Scribner son of Sam'l b. in Waterboro Dec 29 1764 died Oct 17, 1825 and buried in Waterboro. His wives were 1st Sarah Marshall of Alfred 2nd Hannah Taylor of Kennebunk. They are buried by his side. Rowell Scribner, son of John, b. in Waterboro April 28, 1796 died in W- July 4 (or 7) 1840 buried in the old Scribner burying ground on the old original Scribner farm forming the Alfred line, at the head of Shaker Pond in Waterboro where also lie his father John and grandfather Samuel above named. Sam'l was the youngest of seven, five of whom lived to maturity. They all settled in Otisfield Me except Sam'l who settled in Waterboro, Me. Was b. in Waterboro did service in the Revolutionary War in 1775. Was a member of the Legislature for 1789-1790 and 1791. The sessions being last held in the old original State House in Boston, Mass. He was one who made the fight to have the Province of Maine set off as a state and was quite a prominent man in other respects. He is buried Waterboro. His wife Sarah Bucknell buried by the side of her son-in-law Nathaniel Burnham & his two wives, in the old Scribner & Burnham burial ground on Scribner Hill in Harrison, Me. Nathaniel Burnham m. a Scribner sister to John?
Letter 4: Following letter has another attached to it from "Green Corner Maine", as referred to in the body of the main letter. I believe this letter is written by William M. Scribner but it could have come from Edward F. Warren to whom the "Green Corner" letter is addressed. (I don't know who Edw. Warren is.) Stationary is very elaborate: black text with green and peach engravings of Poland Spring House, World's Fair Maine State Building, a bottle of Poland Spring Water, and a detail of the cork below which it says to "make sure that the cork drawn is branded as shown above." Heading is Hiram Ricker & Sons Co., 175 Devonshire St., 36 Arch St.; Telephone 1499 Boston; Boston, Mass .189 . Nothing written on that side of the paper but on the back, in pencil, is: (upside down) Feby 10 1899 Boston This letter is from Mrs. G. W. Verrill - Green Corner, Me. I think she is a niece of your grandmother Ruth Coffin Scribner - later Otis - and that she has a list of the ancestors of said Ruth Coffins Pikes - grams (not sure of that word) etc. She was Sarah Smith daught of Sam whose wife was Johnthan Coffins daughter and cousin of Mrs. Otis - Sarah had many of her ancestors bones collected and placed in a nice stone yard on her fathers place and new marble stones etc. (on the place next below uncle Johns in Waterboro. I would like all that for us and the Smith family if she has it - if not I will have to pay someone at W. to copy it. (Marginal note) Might send this to her - I suppose that you know her. Following is the "Green Corner" attachment. Written in pen. Green Corner Maine Dear Sir In reply to yours of recent date with regard to the old family bible of the Warren family all the information that I can give you is that the last I knew of it was in the posession of Mrs. Joseph Downs of So. Waterboro, Maine who may be able to give you the information you seek. In writing her you had better address c/o Dr Walter Downs Yours truly (Also in pencil below) Letter 5: On a plain sheet of paper, in pencil, without date or signature but possibly in W M Scribner's hand, is written the following: Now add Sarah Marshall Knight and your own family - now while you think of it on the other side of the small sheet. Then so much you all are sure of. The girls and boys of yours - should - after you arrange it have it type written and then make a list of what else you need and mail a copy of what you have in type to me - and I will add in details all the names from Danl born 1718 down to Eleazer (possibly Ebenezer?) born 1789. The first family of 7 - Five of whom lived to maturity ' "emigrated" to Otisfield, excepting Saml, who settled in Waterboro our ancestors. Of the next family viz that of Samuel, my great and Mrs. Knight's great grandfather see the sheet which I have Samuel 1 and John 2 Mrs. K's & my grandfather 2. (Written at right angles to one side is )
(Note: In the table above, "Mrs. Jones" would be Abba Ella (Knight) Jones, and "Miss J." would be either one or the other of Abba's daughters, Marion (Jones) Walker or Ruth Gertrude (Jones) Greene, my grandmother.) Two other small sheets in Abba's hand repeat information provided above, only adding in one case notice of Harold Harmon Walker, b. July 29, 1903, son of Marion W. Jones. Another small sheet in a hand I don't recognize has this information: Henry P. White 1826-1897 Ruth Coffin Otis died Feb 1863 Finally, a very small scrap of paper with: Isaac Knight Died Portland May 10 1846 Nabby Knight His wife Died Aug 4 1857 Aged 67 yrs Porter Scribner Died Sept 14 1997 (Obviously a mistake) Rowell Scribner d. July 4 1840