Family Pictures - May/June 2001 |
Miscellaneous recent pics... Gracie's getting old, her vision is not so good and she's got arthritis, but she looks pretty good here! After a long drought, we had more rain than we needed - but the flowers enjoyed it. Check out that Rhododenderon - as tall as the house! Julie's shade garden - with Hostas, ferns, yellow lady-slipper orchids, wild ginger, maidenhair ferns, Solomon's seal, and Clematis. Calvin, alias "The Devil," alias "The Evil One," alias "Spot" (don't ask) couldn't wait to get in the box that seconds before held presents from brother Don and sister-in-law Becky. Last fall, I had my '95 Eagle Vision painted. It survived the winter with only a couple of door dings. With a decent coat of wax, I figured it might never look this good again so decided to take some pictures. Not bad for 121,000 miles - so far. The factory color is "Wild Orchid" and influenced my company logo and my web site background. The "vision thing" influenced my company name too. It has been a joy to look at and drive. I hope to keep it as long as I can: it does almost everything I'd ever want a car to do. (The other things, my '59 Triumph TR 3 does.)