Marlborough U-10 Tournament Team - July 2001 |
Marlborough's 10-and-under Cal Ripkin Tournament Team placed second in our 6-team region, coming in behind Salem. That qualified us to participate in the State Tournament. Here are some scenes from the tournament, and the post-tournament pool party hosted by the Uccellos. As for the outcome of the tournament? We put up a good battle, but were eliminated by our old nemesis, Salem! Betsy and David Street decorated their SUV to celebrate making it to the State Tournament. Bethel ran an excellent tournament, making everyone welcome. The Team! Back row, left to right: Coach Aaron Tyler, Bat Boy Aaron Soucy, Andrew Leary, Steven Street, Coach Bill Fish, Jordon Tyler, Danny Fish, Ian Malcolm, and Coach Reno Soucy. Front row, left to right: Jordon Hassett, Casey Zimmitti, Matt Potter, Steven Uccello, Evan Couture, Alex Soucy, and Tommy Ryan. Jordon Hassett, Casey Zimmitti, Matt Potter, and Steven Uccello. Casey Zimmitti, Matt Potter, Steven Uccello, Even Couture, and Alex Soucy. Aaron Soucy, Andrew Leary, Steven Street, Coach Bill Fish, Jordon Tyler, and Danny Fish. Jordon Tyler, Danny Fish, Ian Malcolm, and Coach Reno Soucy. Thanks to Pattie and Richard Uccello for hosting our post-tournament pool party!