

MAY 21st, 1904 - ON-GOING CORRESPONDENCE ______________________________________________________________________________________

Ed and Ruth's correspondence did not end with their wedding. They were frequently separated when Ruth would visit with her mother and sister Marion Walker in Woodfords (a part of Portland) for example, or as in the case of the following letter where Ed is writing from Freeport. "Stanley" is their child, Stanley Warren Greene, born July 5th, 1903. At under a year old when this letter was written, I doubt he was as "dissapponit" as Ed seems to think. "Walter" is Ruth's brother, Walter Shirley Jones. "Gram" is Ruth's grandmother, Matilda Purington (Andrews) Jones who died in Freeport December 30th, 1907, at age 90. "Miss Angel" is Rev. Caroline E. Angell (or Angel, depending on the source) who later officiated at Matilda's funeral. Rev. Angell was the first woman pastor of the Paris Hill, Maine, Universalist Church, serving there in the 1880s and early 1890s. "Earnest" is Ernest Morton, husband of Ruth's Aunt Miranda "Minnie" (Jones). "Verd" is Verde C. Morton.

Freeport, Me.
Sunday Eve.
May 21st, 1904

My Dear Wife.

I was glad to get your letter last night and know that you were all right. I expect Stanley was very dissaponit about the ride in Auto. I should not have objected to his going as I know Walter would have been very careful in handling the machine.

Your Father went down to Grams last night and was going in to Portland this A.M. and return Monday.

Geo. Miller and wife have just called here. she had gotten quite smart again.

Wish I could see you and the boy to night I miss you both so I don't know what to do all though Kit and Verd are using me more than white.

They are awfully sorry that they did not have more room so you and S. could have come too they want to see him awfully. thay are more than stuck on his pictures. Pretty cold weather here. Hope you haven't frozen to death at home. Verd harnessed up the old nag this forenoon and took Kit and I up to Earnests farm, so I have met his family. They have a fine view from this farm.

Attended the Universalist service this afternoon with them and heard Miss Angel. She had a fine sermon and I spoke with her after Church and she seemed pleased to see me as I was from S.P. She said she was getting real well again.

After church we went down to the Castle and you talk about a grand view. Verd and I went to the top of the tower and you talk about an outlook. If you ever get a chance to come here again to fail to go there.

we went from the to see Gram. She was feeling real well today. Seemed real smart.

Your father left there at 10 o'clock this forenoon. Went down to the store last eve. and came home with Verd. They have got a dandy business. Do as much biz. as all the rest combined. Verd is head over heels in the hen business. crazy as I am over a Loco. I guess.

think Freeport is quite a pretty town and think I would like to live here if I could have a good job. it is so handy to the salt water.

Well guess I must quit now and go to bed.

Lots of love to you and the baby hug and kiss him for Papa

hope I shall get home soon.

your aff. Hubby

The "Castle" referred to in Ed's letter was the Casco Castle in South Freeport, pictured in this card.