California - May 2002 (Page 1)






Cloudy with heavy showers when I arrived in Milpitas, California on May 20th. Decided to drive down towards Big Sur anyway since I don't get such opportunities very often.

This picture was taken on Route 152 in Hecker Pass near Gilroy.

This tree was adjacent to the Hecker Pass Winery. One stretch of Route 152 was lined with wineries.

Nearby was a row of Eucalyptus trees. The smell was wonderful after the rain.

Eight dollars bought me admission to the 17-Mile Road skirting Monterrey Bay and Pebble Beach.

The surf was magnificent. This photo reminds me of watercolors by my late uncle Stan Greene - except that he would have had more impressive clouds in the scene.

The same photo, cropped to reveal a cormorant flying ahead of the waves.

Sealions and cormorants.

A g round squirrel hoping for handouts.

This lone pine serves as Pebble Beach's logo.

Heading south on the coast highway, Route 1, the views are outstanding.

Despite the iffy weather, fishing boats were working the coast.

The wildflowers were magnificent.

PAGE 2: Los Angeles

