January 24th. Midday, walking east from Cranberry Bog.

Sheep soaking up sun at the banyard.

Cold days and nights have kept most of the snow intact.

Ice at the rock cut.

January 25th. With continued cold weather, the trail through the marsh has a good walking surface.

Lots of animal footprints on the marsh.

No idea what made these tracks.

Nothing special to see, but the ice was booming as sun warmed the surface.

January 26th. A short walk west, to and over Lyman Viaduct.

Heading back east. Note that teeny bit sticking up at the horizon?

It's a cell phone tower. (I really like my Canon PowerShot SX70.)

Sunny, breezy, and slightly above freezing. Perfect weather to find Small Winter Stoneflies (Family Capniidae) at the Route 85 parking lot in Amston.

January 28th. Afternoon, east of Cook Hill Road.

A few Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) around.

A large flock of European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) flew in.

Very impressive up close.

January 29th. A nice morning right around 32 degrees.

Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia).

It blends in well with its surroundings.

January 30th. Icy patches on the trail after melting and refreezing yesterday. Wearing metal cleats a good idea.

Looks cold. Was cold.

White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) were the only wildlife I saw. The usual half dozen or so that flock together.

This one found something to chew on.

February 4th. Above freezing so snow is soft, but there's ice below it. Be careful out there.

I take no chances, wearing cleats and carrying a trekking pole.

Riders saddling up at the Route 85 parking lot.

They headed west towards Raymond Brook Marsh.