January 7th. Pre-dawn. Hoping for a sunrise.

Crescent moon above.

If only this had colored up.

Just a little color at the horizon.

A bit more on the far side of the trail.

The sunrise never did do much more, except right at the horizon.

Just about over. Never did develop much.

January 10th. Out well before dawn again, hoping for a nice sunrise.

A couple of distant remnants of aircraft contrails were the only color near the horizon.

One faint contrail passed near the crescent moon.

Barely visible, another passed right in front of it.

Another old contrail.

The planes all seem to travel the same path from NNE to SSW, roughly parallel to the trail at Raymond Brook Marsh.

I'm guessing they come from Europe and/or Boston, and are bound for New York, Newark, or points further south along the Atlantic coast.

Closer to dawn, their contrails became lighter in color.

To the north at ground level, some pink color remained.

Dawn was far from spectacular...

...and I retreated to the relative warmth of my truck.

January 12th.

January 13th. East of Route 87 in Lebanon.

Optical illusion?

The Tenmile River crosses under the trail at this point.

East of Cook Hill Road in Lebanon.