January 23rd.

Sorry for all the landscapes lately, but there's virtually nothing walking, flying, blooming, or growing on the trail lately.

If this is getting to you, go back to the Along the Air Line home page, pick a different year at the left, and pick a more colorful - warmer! - season.

Still here? This is what the trail through the marsh looks like. What it feels like as dawn approaches is cold, damned cold.

My favorite stump.

Well, here comes the sun at least.

Three variations on a theme.

Not open water, just a different texture of ice.

January 24th. Another dawn.

January 27th. Thin new ice.

January 28th. Out early in hopes of a colorful pre-dawn. Clouds at the horizon so not much sun hitting their undersides.

Ice, open water, and reflections.

The difference of just a few minutes.

A sunrise of sorts...

...but bringing warm colors to the west.

Mallards (Anas platyrhyncchos) in the open water.

Foliose Lichens on bark.