February 27th. Lichens stood out today on this dramatic tree skeleton.

February 28th. An inch or so of light fluffy snow overnight, and flurries this morning. Mallards the only birds I saw.

Minimalist. (Sometimes less is more.)

March 1st. Light snow falling...

...though sun was trying to break through.

March 3rd. Sad snowman looking at the mural near Route 85.

Maybe sad because of the yellow stains at his "feet".

Eastern Bluebird (Sialia sialis).

Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) are back after several days of bad weather.

Still just a few, and mostly far out in the marsh.

American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis).

Lots of male Midges (Family Chironomidae) atop the snow at roughly 32 degrees.

March 6th. Fourteen degrees and the wind picking up as I reached the marsh.

A storm Sunday night into Monday morning left over a foot of snow. Today (Wednesday), the trail is still barely passable...

...though some intrepid walkers and cross-country skiers had been out. Tough walking still.

Several Red-winged Blackbird males calling when I reached the marsh, but they soon gave up and left. Smart birds. I followed their lead.