September 6th. The Spicebush Swallowtail collected on August 30th has shed, grown, and changed color. No longer a bird poop mimic.

Fun fact: Whatever angle you look at this caterpillar, the "eyes" appear to be looking at you.

September 9th. East of Cook Hill Road in Lebanon, lots of grasshoppers about. This is a Differential Grasshopper (Melanoplus differentialis).

And this is a Carolina Grasshopper (Dissosteira carolina).

An ancient (in butterfly years) female Viceroy (Limenitis archippus) laying an egg.

See the egg on the leaf tip?

A young adult Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) that had been eating Poke berries moments before.

Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea stoebe).

September 10th. Nodding Ladies'-tresses Orchid (Spiranthes cernua).

This is the last Ladies'-Tresses orchid at Raymond Brook Marsh, and probably the last along the entire Air Line Trail South since the small group at Cranberry Bog in East Hampton has succumbed. Even this last one will be destroyed if DEEP follows through with plans to rebuild the trail through the marsh, widening and grading that will take out most or all of the natural vegetation and habitat for nesting birds. Other sections of the trail that have been "improved" by DEEP recently are bordered only by Ragweed and other noxious weeds.

A late morning walk west from Grayville Road to Judd Brook. At least three species of Aster in bloom on a side trail.

Haircap Moss (Polytrichum sp.).

Pyrola sp.

Oak Apple Gall made by a Cynipid wasp, Amphibolips sp.

An Ichneumon Wasp (Family Ichneumonidae, best guess Thyreodon atricolor)

A Tenebrionid Beetle (Family Tenebrionidae, best guess Uloma impressa). Found under bark in wet, rotting wood.

Near Judd Brook.

Fungi, lots of fungi!

Perhaps Crested Coral (Clavulina cristata).

A toothed fungus.


Big Bolete.

Cinnabar-red Chanterelle (Cantharellus cinnabarinus)?

Another Chanterelle...

...with a large Globular Springtail (Class Collembola, Order Symphypleona).

And a third Chanterelle.

Emetic Russula (Russula emetica).

September 13th. A male Banded Net-wing Beetle (Family Lycidae, Calopteron reticulatum).