October 4th. Poison Sumac (Toxicodendron vernix). I'd always assumed that this was one of our non-poisonous sumacs, but I see that they all have toothed leaflets. Glad I never picked any.

October 5th.

Poison Ivy (Toxicodendrom radicans) also brightly colored.

Red Maple (Acer rubrum).

Amanita citrina f. lavendula but note that the taxonomy is in flux: seems like there may be several closely related species hiding under that name. Read more here. Thanks Terry, once again!

I think this is Calico Aster (Symphyotrichum lateriflorum). (Asters are tricky to ID, at least for me.)

Bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), another invasive. Yellow seed husks will soon split and reveal bright red berries inside.

October 7th. More fall color at the marsh.

October 9th. Busman's Holiday today: I took a walk on the nearly completed Hebron loop trail from Route 85 (Church Street) to Kenney Road and back again. Highlights include a pond (for winter ice skating), forests, and fields. Not quite finished, and some signs of disturbance that will heal in time, but a nice short walk. I posted some photos of the trail here: https://performance-vision.com/HebronLoopTrail/

October 11th. Amanita sp. - I think I see the telltale cup around the base, though I don't see a veil (which may not be evident until the mushroom matures).

October 14th. Foggy morning at 32 degrees.

Normally, you wouldn't notice this badly damaged tree but today with a blanket of fog behind it, it looked like a Bonsai.

Looks like Crowded Parchment (Stereum complicatum).

October 17th. Foggy and 33 degrees. First frost along the edges of the marsh.