January 17th. Not much in the way of a sunrise except...
...a sharp contrail amid older diffuse ones.
Just a hint of a sun pillar.
Mallards coming in from wherever they spent the night, settling in the open water of the exit stream.
Surface ice has gone through several freeze-thaw cycles lately, along with light snow and rain.
Closer to dawn, the sun pillar is still faintly visible.
Brighter now.
January 18th. Twenty degrees at 11:00 AM. Flurries overnight have moved on, leaving bright snow and clouds - and high winds. Brrr.
See that treetop dead center on the horizon?
That's what it looks like with a long telephoto setting. (The same treetop features at even higher magnification in the dawn shots above.)
January 25th. A foot or more of snow fell on Saturday, the 23rd, transforming the marsh and the trail.
January 29th. A brief stop at Cranberry Bog to check on the nearby farmyard.
January 30th. Back to the barnyard near Cranberry Bog after a trip to the dump this morning.