October 13th. Pre-dawn at Raymond Brrok Marsh.
October 14th. Foggy and just above freezing.
In the afternoon, I stopped by for a look at the trail east of Cook Hill Road in Lebanon. Was glad to see progress on surfacing.
This base level of sand and gravel will eventually receive a stone dust top coat.
Crab Apples (Malus coronaria).
At the east end of the heron's marsh, a trail leads off to the left and across a stone slab bridge over a brook (the marsh drainage).
Some pleasant views along that side trail but I didn't go far. Although not posted, I assume it's private property and to be respected.
Back by the dairy farm, I found these fruits of the poisonous Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium var. tatula).
I tried photographing an ant on Rabbit's-foot Clover (Trifolium arvense) but didn't realize until I began editing that I had used an incorrect camera setting, resulting in shallow dedpth of field (and thus a lousy photo). Normally I'd just throw away the shot, but there's a story worth telling: the ant is tending a caterpillar, probably that of the Eastern Tailed-blue (Everes comyntas). Although the situation is more complex than I'll try to relate, in summary, the ants defend the caterpillars from parasites and predators. In return, the caterpillars produce a sugary fluid from abdominal glands which is consumed by the ants.
October 15th. The Route 85 Trailhead in Hebron.
Hard to make out, but beavers have build a dam on Raymond Brook, not far from Old Colchester Road.
Back east of Cook Hill Road mid-morning, hoping for better pictures of the caterpillar-ant association.
No such luck: the clover they were on was buried under 6" of sand-gravel miix as surfacing work was resumed after the holiday. Still, I found a number of other insects, including this Chinese "Praying" Mantis (Tenodera aridifolia).
A Woolly Bear caterpillar (Pyrrharctia isabella).
Another Woolly Bear, this one almost devoid of black spines.
A Flower Fly (Family Syrphidae) on Dandelion.