May 9th. Male Baltimore Oriole (Icterus balbula) searching
for bugs in highbush blueberry.
Male Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) are still
Probably Juvenal's Duskywing Skipper (Erynnis juvenalis).
May 10th. Female Baltimore Oriole (Icterus balbula).
Male Common Yellowthroat warbler (Geothlypis trichas).
May 12th. A chilly and breezy morning. If it's possible for a Tree
Swallow to be grumpy, this bird looks it.
Something is up with the resident Canada Geese.
Houston, we have goslings.
Under watchful eyes.
Keeping close...
...except for one.
A bit like herding cats.
May 18th. Baltimore Orioles seem to be paired up but so far I haven't
discovered any nests for certain.
Turkey Vultures (Cathartes aura) soar beautifully; don't look
so good up close.
Morrow's Honeysuckle (Lonicera morrowii), a fragrant invasive
...also seems to come in pink.
Autumn Olive (Elaeagnus umbellata) is another invasive plant
that threatens native plant habitats.
The fragrance is quite strong, even at a distance.
The Pink Lady's Slipper orchids (Cypripedium acaule) are in
full bloom.
Young Black Cherry (Prunus serotina) trees are in bloom.
Many cherry trees and shrubs have been stripped bare by Eastern Tent
Caterpillars (Malacosoma americana). Hopefully, Orioles will
soon take care of them.
Wooly Adelgids are aphid relatives that protect themselves with strings
of white wax exuded from pores on their backs.
Pink Azalea or Pinxter Flower (Rhododendron periclymenoides).
Red Maples (Acer rubrum) have fresh green leaves to contrast
with the maturing pink seeds.
Common Fleabane (Erigeron philadelphicus).