to Terry Stoleson of the Connecticut Valley Mycological Society for help with
these identifications.
1. Fly
Agaric (Amanita muscaria). September 21, 2002

2. Possibly Amanita citrina. September 24, 2002

3. Purple-bloom
Russula (Russula mariae). September 24, 2002

4. Old
Man of the Woods (Strobilomyces floccopus). September 21, 2002

5a. Birch
Polypore, or Birch Conk (Piptoporus betulinus). September 24,

5b. The
underside of the Birch Polypore is a pure white surface when fresh.
You can draw on the surface with a stylus and over time your marks
will darken, leaving an image.
this. (I sketched this some 15 years or so ago,
working from a greeting card of the era.)

6. Armillaria
mellea October 7, 2002

7. Mature Armillaria mellea. October 1, 2002

8. Lactarius
hygrophoroides. October 7, 2002

9. Stereum
sp., probably S. complicatum. October 1, 2002

10. Wolf's
Milk (Lycoigola epidendrum), a slime mold. June 10, 2002

Dryad's Saddle (Polyporus squamosus). September 1st, 2002

Dryad's Saddle (Polyporus squamosus). September 1st, 2002