A flower fly (Family Syrphidae) on an Aster (Aster sp.).
Raindrops on a carpet of spider silk.
Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota). These young plants will
bloom next summer.
Ornamental asters (Aster sp.) planted at the Route 85 trailhead.
September 24th. I walked from River Road to the Lyman Viaduct on
the Colchester section of the trail. Locust Borer (Megacyllene
robiniae) on Goldenrod.
False Solomon's-seal (Smilacina racemosa).
Sand Jointweed (Polygonella articulata). The flowers are tiny.
It was growing atop the Lyman Viaduct.
Turtlehead (Chelone glabra).
September 27th. Wood Ducks (Aix sponsa).
Beaver (Castor canadensis).
October 1st. Sumac (Rhus sp.).
October 5th. Female Snowy Tree Cricket (Oecanthus sp.).
Mid-day side trip to the East Hampton trailhead. Canada Goose (Branta