Along the Air Line... 2001 - November
The Air Line Trail in Eastern Connecticut - Stan Malcolm Photos

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The section of the trail traversing Raymond Brook Marsh is especially beautiful in the foggy chill of early morning.

Giant Reed Grass (Phragmites australis (communis)).

The beavers have been active - cutting trees for their winter food supply. Note the cache of cut branches to the right.

And here's the beaver - hauling a stick to its stash.

Barberry (Berberus sp.).

On November 23rd, I went looking for color! I found that if I focused small, there was still color out there - rich pinks, maroons, and greens.

Any doubt that this is a shagbark hickory?

Bracket fungi. Specifically the Many-colored polypore (Coriolus versicolor)

"Princess Pine" - not a pine at all but a club moss (Lycopodium obscurum).

Barberry (Berberus sp.).