Our destination, viewed from Elizabeth's flat on a sunny day.
Not quite so sunny on the day we drove towards our starting point.
The view from the parking area was impressive.
Finally, we started our climb.
No hang gliding! (Good advice.)
The path bordered fields for a short way. (Remember those geese for later.)
And note that stone building at the right. You'll see it again.
Finally, we neared the windswept summit...
...where we saw a Crow (or other Corvid?)...
...and a discarded bottle. (Not obvious when I took the picture.)
Magnificent views.
A railroad viaduct on the line to Manchester.
One of the fast smooth trains that use the line.
Hazel atop the Trig Point or geodetic triangulation station.
Surrounding Hazel, and covering most of the peak was Heather, just starting to show buds. We looked for cocoons of the native Emperor Silk Moth but found none. Hazel did quite well finding Lady Bird Beetles though.
Looking back towards Congleton where Hazel & Elizabeth live.
Hazel had no fear of heights and was given stern warnings about staying away from the edges.
A farm yard far below.
Beginning our descent, we entered a mossy forest (typical of much of England, it would appear).
Many of the trees we saw reminded me of the children's book illustrations by Arthur Rackham. Rackham blended craggy faces and limbs into his trees.
Next, the path bordered forest and fields.
We saw several kinds of bracket fungi...
...including this Turkey Tail species similar to one we have in the US.
Moss on the rocks too, naturally.
Crossing a stile, we entered pasture land.
Theoretically, sheep are contained by the walls and stiles while humans can cross over without the chance of leaving a gate open.
A marvelous old stone building in one of the fields. (You've seen it before.)
Remember those geese we saw on the ascent? On the return we got to see them close up.
Hazel, acting out as a Deer.
Another stile.
Finally, we were back to the parking area.